
Engaging youth in a life-long journey of faith and involvement in the body of Christ (the Church).

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation in the Lutheran Church is a public profession of faith prepared for by long and careful instruction. Confirmation ministry is intended to prepare students to confirm the faith that began in them on the day of their Baptism. Students will have the opportunity to deepen and explore their faith, read and study scripture, and learn about Christ's church through the lens of the Lutheran Tradition. These educational instructions will be taught primarily through the Word and Luther's Small Catechism, which is used as a mentoring tool for Christian life. Students will learn about the 10 Commandments, the Apostles Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, the Doctrine of Confession, and the Sacrament of the Altar (Lord's Supper). Confirmation is held for 5th-8th grade students on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. 

Fellowship Opportunities

Confirmation Retreats

There is a Fall overnight retreat for 7th-8th grade students and a Spring retreat for 8th grade students each year. 5th-6th grade students also have a special event planned in the Fall and Spring. 

Prayer & Play Nights

Jr. High (5th-8th grade) students are invited to a monthly Prayer and Play night at the church. These events include pizza, a devotion, group games, and lots of laughter! Friends are always welcome!

8th Grade Transition to Youth Group

Fellowship events, Crossroads, and Mission Trip opportunities

We want our 8th grade students to start getting connected with our High School Ministry outside of Confirmation times. There are many opportunities for them to do this throughout the year including attending H.S. monthly fellowship events, taking part in fundraising or service events, joining  Wednesday night youth group after Confirmation classes, and going on the summer mission trip. We also have a weekend retreat called Crossroads held in the spring for 8th-12th grade students. This event serves as a "welcome" for our 8th grade students and a "sending" off of our 12th grade students as they embark on God's next chapter for them in their lives.